The Revised 48 Laws of Power for People Who Aren’t Evil Egomaniacs

Some of you might have tried reading “The 48 Laws of Power”, a classic book on human psychology written by Robert Greene. Most of the laws are undeniably true. But if you have any sense of morality, the book may leave you feeling very uncomfortable. Some of the laws are great, like, “Win through your actions, never through argument.” Other laws might leave a bitter taste in your mouth, like, “Let others do the work for you, but always take the credit.”

The examples given in the book are from historic stories of political leaders who would elegantly backstab each other to increase their position. Newsflash: these victors all eventually get backstabbed. This makes it almost seem like a book of what not to do if you want any chance at living a healthy and successful life.



Trying to gain power is not a bad thing. Power is wonderful, and our world is filled with good heroes who wield it well. Your personal power is important, and it is what helps you become a valuable person with a high quality of life. Many of us have had our power taken away at some point, or never learned how to build it in the first place. That’s why we often go seeking for it, but what we find is usually broken and selfish habits. Strategies like using your anger to get what you want works like black magic: every time we use it, it only hurts us in the end.

So, we’re is here to help you unlock your personal power through a different and unbeatable set of laws, because they are all focused on the good of the world (which includes you). True power comes from being valuable, honest, and giving. The 48 Laws of Power book is written in a way to get ahead by manipulating the opinions of others. What a shallow and disheartening way to live. If you want to enjoy true power, the kind that comes from opening your heart to the world and giving everything you can, we have made revisions to the laws below.



✘  Law 1: Never outshine the master.
✔ Law 1: Stay humble and respect your mentors.


✘  Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends, learn to use enemies.
✔ Law 2: Don’t use people. Understand we all make mistakes, and set up your life so that the actions of your friends or enemies does not make or break you.


✘  Law 3: Conceal your intentions.
✔ Law 3: Keep your intentions pure and for the good of the world. You will radiate more power than being shady.


✘  Law 4: Always say less than necessary.
✔ Law 4: Speak only the truth, and do it whenever it is necessary.


✘  Law 5: So much depends on reputation. Guard it with your life.
✔ Law 5: So much depends on your reputation, that’s right. But, build one based on good works and there’s no need to guard it. False attacks will be quickly brought into the light and destroyed.


✘  Law 6: Court attention at all cost.
✔ Law 6: Attract the right kind of attention by providing value in any situation.


✘  Law 7: Let others do the work for you, but always take credit.
✔ Law 7: Empower people to do work that helps both of you, and you will never need to take the credit.


✘  Law 8: Make other people come to you. Use bait if necessary.
✔ Law 8: Make other people come to you by always offering solutions to their problems. Then, delegate the work.


✘  Law 9: Win through your actions, never through argument.
✔ Law 9: Beautiful. Actions speak louder than words. Smile and take the high road to instantly win any argument.


✘  Law 10: Infection: Avoid the unhappy and the unlucky.
✔ Law 10: Surround yourself with people who lift you up, so you can all help the unhappy and unlucky find personal freedom too.


✘  Law 11: Learn to keep people dependent on you.
✔ Law 11: Wrong. Teach a man to fish, and he will be an endless source of fish for you.


✘  Law 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim.
✔ Law 12: Wow, these start to get pretty scummy, huh. Victim? Use honesty and generosity to disarm your team members so you can trust each other.


✘  Law 13: When asking for help, appeal to people’s self-interest, never to their mercy.
✔ Law 13: Ask for completely one-sided help sparingly. Instead, take care of yourself and find ways to work together that makes life easier for everyone. Never ask someone to do something you wouldn’t do for them.


✘  Law 14: Pose as a friend, work as a spy.
✔ Law 14: Are you kidding? To avoid dying as a miserable person, be a good friend. Give endlessly to these people, and you will always have a loyal army behind you.


✘  Law 15: Crush your enemy totally.
✔ Law 15: If you are confronted with evil, crush your enemy totally. Heroes do not hesitate to fight for what is right.


✘  Law 16: Use absence to increase respect and honor.
✔ Law 16: Don’t overstay your welcome or overstep your bounds. Give your best to a few people and projects, which makes your time and presence extremely valuable to others.


✘  Law 17: Keep others in suspended terror: cultivate an air of unpredictability.
✔ Law 17: Variety is the spice of life. Take risks, move fast, and don’t think about things like keeping others in suspended terror. People will just be excited to go on the ride with you.


✘  Law 18: Do not build fortresses to protect yourself – isolation is dangerous.
✔ Law 18: It’s true: loneliness kills. Find other people to go through life with, and help each other when times get tough. Give and take.


✘  Law 19: Know who you’re dealing with- do not offend the wrong person.
✔ Law 19: When dealing with powerful people, you are bulletproof if your actions come from good intentions for everyone involved.


✘  Law 20: Do not commit to anyone.
✔ Law 20: As you mature, you move from dependence and independence to interdependence. Commit to projects that matter, and take your due credit for success or failure. Do not engage in anything that moves you back to dependence.


✘  Law 21: Play a sucker to catch a sucker- seem dumber than your mark.
✔ Law 21: No one likes to be talked-down to. Be patient, keep things simple, and ask leading questions to help others come to conclusions by themselves.


✘  Law 22: Use the surrender tactic: transform weakness into power.
✔ Law 22: Brilliant. By choosing not to fight & assuredly lose, you can simply continue building your empire while enemies burn each others’ castles down around you.


✘  Law 23: Concentrate your forces.
✔ Law 23: Focus. Succeed by relentlessly pushing and achieving each milestone you’ve set, one by one.


✘  Law 24: Play the perfect courtier (royal advisor).
✔ Law 24: Learn to give solid advice, and you will never be out of the loop. Do not grovel. Powerful people sense attempts at manipulation from a mile away, and if you happen to succeed, it’s only because they’ve decided to play along and manipulate you back.


✘  Law 25: Re-create yourself.
✔ Law 25: If who you are and what you do isn’t working or making you happy, level up.


✘  Law 26: Keep your hands clean.
✔ Law 26: Keep your hands clean, but that doesn’t mean outsource the dirty work. Refuse the dirty work.


✘  Law 27: Play on people’s need to believe to create a cult-like following.
✔ Law 27: Give people something real, transformative, and effective to believe in. Become someone striving to reach an ideal to inspire others.


✘  Law 28: Enter action with boldness.
✔ Law 28: Absolutely. Believe in yourself, fight for yourself, and come out swinging against any odds.


✘  Law 29: Plan all the way to the end.
✔ Law 29: Understand your actions have consequences. Make choices based on the best solution for everyone involved.


✘  Law 30: Make your accomplishments seem effortless.
✔ Law 30: Climb mountains, tell no one. Your work will speak for itself.


✘  Law 31: Control opinions: get others to play with the cards you deal.
✔ Law 31: Give people choices and recommendations that always lead to positive results for both of you.


✘  Law 32: Play to people’s fantasies.
✔ Law 32: When speaking to others, speak to their best version of themselves.


✘  Law 33: Discover each man’s thumbscrew.
✔ Law 33: When someone shows you their weakness, help them turn it into a strength for lifelong loyalty. Don’t use blackmail for short-term control that turns into lifelong grudges instead.


✘  Law 34: Be royal in your own fashion: act like a king to be treated like one.
✔ Law 34: Hold yourself to a high standard. You are the hero of your own story, your own personal coach. Walk with the confidence of knowing you are an equal with all others, and watch doors open for you.


✘  Law 35: Master the art of timing.
✔ Law 35: Use observation, research, and plain old trial-and-error to learn how to say or do the right things at the right time.


✘  Law 36: Disdain things you cannot have: ignoring them is the best revenge.
✔ Law 36: True wealth and happiness comes from an elimination of desire for wants, not the fulfillment of desire for wants.


✘  Law 37: Create compelling spectacles.
✔ Law 37: Do great work that inspires, touches, and solves problems.


✘  Law 38: Think as you like but behave like others.
✔ Law 38: You cannot help people who do not feel comfortable around you. Lead from within. Don’t stand out for the wrong reasons.


✘  Law 39: Stir up waters to catch fish.
✔ Law 39: Stay calm and don’t make decisions out of anger to avoid being caught by people who follow these old rules.


✘  Law 40: Despise the free lunch.
✔ Law 40: There’s no such thing, but give or take a “free” lunch to discuss win-win opportunities.


✘  Law 41: Avoid stepping into a great man’s shoes.
✔ Law 41: Be yourself and carve your own path. No one can ever do that better than you.


✘  Law 42: Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.
✔ Law 42: Start at the root of any problem. Don’t just cover up symptoms.


✘  Law 43: Work on the hearts and minds of others.
✔ Law 43: You will be more successful by speaking to the emotions of other people, not just their rational side.


✘  Law 44: Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect.
✔ Law 44: Such a twisted way to state the golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated. Explain to others how you do not want to be treated with a steady voice and a locked-in gaze, if this becomes an issue.


✘  Law 45: Preach the need for change, but never reform too much at once.
✔ Law 45: Too much change is difficult for everyone. When working towards the greater good, sell the vision while taking smaller steps and celebrating wins.


✘  Law 46: Never appear too perfect.
✔ Law 46: No one is perfect. Laugh about your most embarrassing mistakes to become more powerful than those wearing masks.


✘  Law 47: Do not go past the mark you aimed for; in victory know when to stop.
✔ Law 47: Set goals, achieve them, and review your progress. A life of victory is not a life of excess.


✘  Law 48: Assume formlessness
✔ Law 48: Be like water: adapt and flow. Become an expert in dealing with change. Stick only to your core values.


At the very least, we hope these revised laws have given you a different perspective. Perhaps you are interested in changing your attitude or the treatment of others. After all, the best way to power is to become the hero of your own story. For this, we recommend our 160-page eBook, Kaizen Habits. Download that, absolutely free, below: 

Free 160-page ebook on the 27 key habits for a strong mind, body, and lifestyle:


  1. Mike

    Thanks for the alternative laws. They are much easier to live with.
    It must be horrible to go through life thinking everyone is out to get you. That you can trust no one.
    If you encourage people to trust you – It’s a great start to a happy life.

  2. Chris

    I think this post misses the entire point of the book, the 48 Laws of Power. I don’t believe Robert Greene is advocating for his readers to go out and use all of these strategies in a Machiavellian way. His point, I believe, is that people use these strategies and we should be aware, so as to protect ourselves. I believe the book stands out as it gives some concrete and historical examples of the 48 Laws in Action. It should not be seen as a “How to” book as you seem to believe. I would hope that people would choose the moral, high ground when seeking to gain power, though I don’t see Greene firmly stating that you should follow the rules to the letter. The book is also refreshing in that these types of behaviors and personalities do exist, and it goes way beyond your post of encouraging everyone to be moral and lead ethically, the world is saturated with content like this. I’d also encourage everyone to be intellectually honest, we should all read things that challenge us to see ourselves and the world in a new way. Your counterpoints below do nothing to teach us anything new, and wouldn’t be possible without Greene’s well-researched and organized book!

    • Anonymous

      are you so naïve as to believe that people don’t see this as an advocacy for this behavior? “hope that people would choose the moral high ground”? have you met many people? have you looked around at the society we live in at this moment in time?

    • Anonymous

      Yes👍Greene is spot on ✔️✔️

  3. Luke Fry

    very thoughtful

  4. ken

    fuck off

  5. Anonymous


  6. Crystal

    Thank you very much for sharing these insights. I started reading the book last night and it left me with a bitter taste in my mouth (just like you described in the article intro), yet I thought surely there are some nuggets of truth that can be re-examined in a different, values-based way. I asked Mr. Google and this post popped up! Exactly what I was hoping to read. I also enjoyed reading the update you included from a reader about their experience with the book. Not only did the paper shredder comment make me laugh out loud, but it was reassuring that this person tried implementing these laws and felt worse. I completely agree with your premise that power comes from within (and God). I am very grateful for you sharing these thoughts with the world.

  7. James

    Something to be aware of that I only recently learnt. Greene wrote this book whilst working in the cesspit that is Hollywood, the world of celebrity, fakeness, lies, manipulation, and worse. Similar to The Game and the world of pickup artists.

  8. Daphne

    I was starting to think that the world is full of evil egomaniacs as I read Robert Greene’s books.
    Your post is so refreshing and relieving. Someone gets it !

  9. el

    i despise the revised edition
    all of you guys are not thinking straight
    i mean these are supposed to be the laws of power not the laws of holiness.
    you cannot be at the top if youre too scared to annoy or use others cmon, think about this. this is power. power is not pretty, power is not easy to get, power is not some test you can just pass so easily by being positive and optimistic everytime
    sometimes you need to be realistic and prepared for the worst scenario

    all of you are soft. the laws of power are the laws of power. don’t change them when you haven’t attained any power with your shy naive and shallow revisions.
    i support *nelson* and others who share my point of view


    • Jordan at Conquer Today

      Hey El, good to hear from you. I leave this post up, even though it is controversial and I would even change a few of them myself, now that I’m a few years more experienced. I enjoyed you saying “the laws of power are the laws of power” as in they stand by themselves. I don’t argue that. But I do believe my core premise stays the same.

      If the power you are seeking is a castle filed with wealth and servants that fear you, then you should follow the original laws. The type of power I seek (and do have, by the way. Not just talking out of my butt here) is being able to say no to people because I don’t owe them favors. Knowing that I have true friends I will take to the grave with endless support and help. Knowing that the communication and organization skills I’ve built are interior power I have forever. The power of being able to forgive and love someone who hurt me. I get to wake up every single day with all the power in the world. And honestly, in one of the companies I run I could be well on my way to a castle and wealth, but I simply couldn’t care less. I think I’ll live powerfully in a home I love surrounded by people I trust, doing what I want.

      So what I’ve really learned from the criticism of this post is that power means very different things to different people. I offer one route.


    I think it Holds a light of successful destiny to Whom That desires power To Win. With these laws Present With Me, i don’t Need More Teachers Than My Concentrations.

  11. Think On It

    So I was compelled to comment on this article especially after reading some comments.

    Interestingly some years ago I was gifted the book 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene by a former friend. During a time when I was down on my luck and feeling hopeless. That friend had invited me to stay at their place for a while so I could just clear my head (I wasn’t homeless, just needed to leave my current city and routine for a few days).

    I read the whole book and admittedly tried to implement the laws in my life for a short period. But I quickly learned something – the laws don’t give one a sense of power. Instead it leads to a mindset of paranoia because of the constant distrust and disdain for others. And more importantly I wasn’t necessary using the laws. I was instead justifying doing bad actions that I already wanted to do. We all do have those thoughts, the problem is if you act upon them. I was using someone else’s flawed logic to justify my own actions and my view and sense of safety in the world was quickly deteriorating worse then it already was.

    I already kind of knew my former friend was a bit manipulative and played mind games. They can be quite the charmer and then bite you in the back type. So I broke my paper shredder shredding that damn book. No one else needed to suffer or use such a mindset against others, so I didn’t want to donate it but take one book out of circulation. Then later I realized the ‘laws’ were posted online. Ho hum. I also unfriended that supposed friend.

    Anyways, aside from my melodramatic and symbolic shredding of the book I did learn some from self-reflection. True power comes from within. And that takes time and cultivation. One can never truly have power over another, only over one’s self. You can’t control others reactions, only your own.

    Ironically – and this is why I wanted to comment the author himself learned that lesson (true power comes from within) a bit (I don’t know if fully yet). And I do have another of his book to remind myself of what true power is. It is his Mastery book (self-mastery). I also recall reading an article some where he wrote the 48 Laws of Power when he was very angry with the world, so he didn’t write the book when he felt powerful. Which I think speaks for itself. Not to mention there were a few more ‘laws’ he omitted. His Mastery book still reeks a bit of snake oil, as he has some mantras to repeat and mindsets to follow compared to thinking for one’s own self. It is not as bad as his 48 Laws of Power, and a bit of a better read but still.

    Though I now have a better understanding of some people because of that book. But through self-reflection and honest intentions I chose to find my true inner power.

  12. Martin

    I may now use this knowledge to protect myself against the manipulator. Usually psychopath, sociopath, and narcissistic use this tactic to gain something from us.

  13. Shaun

    Your 48 Laws of Power are for goody two shoes type of people. I doubt whether your 48 laws really do make a person powerful. At best that would make him likeable but not powerful. Power is a ruthless game. it is not a place for weak and feeble.

    • Nelson

      Don’t act like you have what it takes to obtain power, Shaun. You’re free to disagree with their laws if you want, but come on–even with Greene’s laws you really think you have what it takes? Give me a break. You’re not fooling anybody. None of you are.

    • rob

      you’ve made a couple very strange comments here. i hope venting makes you a little happier.

      happy solstice!

    • Biose

      People here are are so childish, actually agreeing with these calculative revised version of the author to win moralist.

    • Bob

      Like the original author wasn’t made to vent like a child and win edgelords. Does anything in that book mention permanently changing things for good?

  14. Holly Golightly

    This is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever read. I was searching for the list of the laws to reference in one of my planning notes, and came across this. While it did the trick (I referenced the laws so tactfully marked with an X) I could not believe the saccharine-sweet, boy scout, goody-two-shoes revisions on some of the most brilliant observations of the modern and classical world. The sheer amount of people enjoying this article and appreciating the revisions reassures me that those who resonated with the original laws will forever have sheep to herd and pawns to play with. Keep in mind that Robert Green and other like-minded individuals will laugh at this and alter their methods to ensnare such people with such monumental hero-complexes. Luck to those trying to be an honest and sincere person, while the rest of us “egomaniacs” enjoy life.

    • Nelson

      You’re never going to be powerful in any way, shape, of form. Stop lying to yourself, because it’s making me sick. That’s the problem I have with some of the guys here who’re disagreeing with the revised laws. I doesn’t bother me you’re disagreeing with them, it’s bothers me you’re acting like you’re well on your way to obtaining power and being respected, when that obviously isn’t the case.

      You guys need to get off your high horses, seriously; nobody knows who you are, nobody cares who you are, and your never going to achieve the level of power you want. It’s not being a prick, it’s telling you how it is. The fact you random people just came on to this article to boast about how garbage these revised laws are is lame to me, as if you think this will change the author’s mind.

      I’ll admit I only agree with a few of them, but I’m not going to act like I’m better than everybody and I know exactly how to become the most powerful person in the rule. You people are too pathetic for your own good, I swear.

    • Jordan at Conquer Today

      Hey Nelson! While I appreciate your stances, you might want to try attacking it in a powerful way, like I’ve written about above. We can’t talk down to others, no matter how much we feel talked down to.

      Let’s just meet them where they are, and with love. We hope that everyone here has experiences that help them build a system of values that revolves around giving, peace, helping, and relationships. And to those who read that sentence and think that is “weak”, you can’t touch me, or anyone who pursues life in that direction.

      I read all of these, and really do appreciate their opinions, even while I am being insulted. It hasn’t changed my core philosophy, but it has changed how I plan to communicate my philosophy in the future.

    • Anthony

      This nelson guy thinks he is the one who will break it all. His mind is saying “ill destroy this guys ego hehe”, like the nerdy guy he is. If anybody youre the one whos being more moral than him. He thinks he knows what to do in the modern court (he doesnt), and nor do I. Never be guilty of the doings of deceit, if this is to achieve the heights of power, you are only protecting your self from the people who are not good.

  15. Angelica rivera

    So my boyfriend is reading this books and lately all we do of fight and argue. He swears I’m sensitive and a cry baby but I feel like he’s a user and this non affectionate beast. I decided to read the book without telling him and I am only at the preface. So far everything I’ve read is him to the T. Idk if I’ll follow all these laws but just gettting an understanding of how these people think and the games they play is awesome. I can now beat him at his own game. Sensitive cry baby I am No more

    • Jordan at Conquer Today

      That’s good, Angelica. My little piece of advice is, don’t try and beat him at his own game. That will only lead to more sadness, and frustration. Instead, when you see him trying to use one of these laws, acknowledge that, and know that it has no power over you any more. Understand that the reasons people follow these laws is because they are afraid. Afraid of not being powerful. So approach him back with kindness. “Hello boyfriend. I understand you’re trying to get me to do the work for you but you still take the credit. I hope you understand how sad that is, and I promise I will never do that back to you. Unfortunately I cannot do that work for you because of this. But I love you, and I care for you, and you are strong in my eyes. Let’s go out and beat the world together.” Does that make sense?

  16. John

    This is pretty shallow and I might also note written for a blog already called “Conquer Today.”

    Not “Make It a Happy Day,” or “Make It a Joyful Day.”

    You’ve either restated Greene in more positive terms, which echoes his original arguments or provided a useless platitude for a refutation without any evidence. I see from other comments that many people would agree.

    The book “Power” more than adequately defends each of the “laws.” It is not a definitive moral guide, but it is also not the worse example of how humans interact.

    Nobody says that you are not allowed to be positive, kind and generous in spirit. It is a wonderful and self-nurturing practice to help others. It is how we evolved. However, don’t think that everyone around you is going to burst into song like a High School Musical because you feel like being nice today.

    Keep doing what you are doing. I respect that you have a blog, give away an eBook and do other marketing related to your interests. I am happy for you.

  17. Mello

    Some of these just repeat the old rules and while some are great – as one can gain trust and power through transparency and honesty – some of these rules are a bit childish and naive. No one can gauge another person’s intentions. You’re not “bulletproof” just because you mean well (or you think you do). And one’s reputation should be guarded with one’s life. A good (or powerful) reputation can do 90% of the work for you. Just because you’re a good person doesn’t mean you’re immune to slander, lies, and attacks on your reputation. Many people have fallen from grace in the eyes of the public from simple bullshit lies and you have to have an overbearingly good reputation (and a dedicated following) to beat back those attacks in today’s society (or the lies have to be piss poor). Even if those false attacks are “brought to light” once your reputation is dead, it’s dead. And it’s hard to revive.

    • Robbie

      Just look at what’s happening now: so many celebrities losing their livelihoods because of little lies. Entire lives destroyed based on falsehoods. I feel like what these revised laws seem to miss is just how shitty human beings are, especially these days where compassion and understanding’s been thrown out the window. With all the things I’ve seen people say and do online, it’s hard to not become just like them.

  18. Michael

    Thanks for the politically correct version. The point of Robert Greene’s book is to protect yourself from other peoples’ power. It’s not to learn how to manipulate people, it’s to protect you from being manipulated. Once you master the 48 laws of power, you can manipulate those who manipulated you. People are not basically good. People are animals protecting their own self interests. Idealism is a dead concept. It’s been replaced by nepotism and entitlement. Friends and family have been replaced by fans and acquaintances. Fans are people who like whar you can do for them. If you help people with their dreams they won’t help you with yours. Unfortunately, the most important person to you is yourself. lo siento mucho

    The Doomed
    A Perfect Circle
    [Verse 1]
    Behold a new Christ
    Behold the same old horde
    Gather at the altering
    New beginning, new word
    And the word was death
    And the word was without light
    The new beatitude:
    “Good luck, you’re on your own”
    [Verse 2]
    Blessed are the fornicates
    May we bend down to be their whores
    Blessed are the rich
    May we labor, deliver them more
    Blessed are the envious
    Bless the slothful, the wrathful, the vain
    Blessed are the gluttonous
    May they feast us to famine and war
    What of the pious, the pure of heart, the peaceful?
    What of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?
    All doomed
    All doomed
    [Verse 3]
    Behold a new Christ
    Behold the same old horde
    Gather at the altering
    New beginning, new word
    And the word was death
    And the word was without light
    The new beatitude: “Good luck…”
    What of the pious, the pure of heart, the peaceful?
    What of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?
    What of the righteous? What of the charitable?
    What of the truthful, the dutiful, the decent?
    Doomed are the poor
    Doomed are the peaceful
    Doomed are the meek
    Doomed are the merciful
    For the word is now death
    And the word is now without light
    The new beatitude:
    “Fuck the doomed you’re on your own

    • Bishop

      I agree the revised rules a bit too “optimistic”, but your spiel here is just sad. The world’s gotten pretty bleak, but I’ll be darned before I become as pessimistic as you seem to have become. I mean, I can’t imagine someone like you becoming powerful; if anything, I see you becoming very bitter and power-obsessed, but will never be able to obtain it.

      I wholly don’t care what you do, but I feel like you need to lighten up. Posting the lyrics to some song (not to mention taking it out of context) isn’t going to get people to agree with you.

  19. Vicky

    They’re great. They give you a feeling of control and respectfulness in society.

  20. Boris

    While I thought that the original was heartlessly machiavellian I think the ‘revised’ laws of power often sound either naive or delusional. For instance Laws 7 and 9 both strike me as naive because they’re reliant on people being able to rationally judge situations (something which people often don’t do) and not make judgements based on self interest (things which all people will inevitably do, in one way or another). There are several others mentioned (like law 19) which I could apply this. I would also say that the revised law 15 is outright delusional. At least the original didn’t pretend towards moral superiority, the reality is that moral superiority is a clever disguise for self-interest. I think the Author read the original laws of power, realised the brutal accuracy of these ideas, then tried to couch them all in terms his conscience could live with and help maintain the illusion that he is a good person. I don’t care what philosophy a person lives by, just don’t lie to yourself about it. Personally I’m content with a small measure of power. Ultimately regardless of how powerful you are it doesn’t change the fact that true power is an illusion, we influence and cajole but in the end we truly control nothing but our own decisions

    • User

      Brilliant reply. It’s hard to imagine the author of this article to have even read the book in it’s entirety in the first place. If I’m not mistaken the book addresses moral superiority many times, which you’ve layed down perfectly.

    • JD at Conquer Today

      You didn’t leave the right contact information to respond to you, but I really wish you did because I listen to all of your feedback. I struggle with this article myself, plenty. However, please pair it with “Why Aren’t We Listening To The Top Five Regrets of The Dying?” I just have such a hard time believing those who have followed these original laws are going to be happy with that as they pass away.

    • Regan Wilson

      Love the way you respond so calmly and intelligent 🧠 to the comments.
      Applaus. 👌It ain’t easy being Greene ( Kermit the frog 🐸)

  21. Callum

    Really enjoyable post.

    48 laws of power left me with a sour taste. It was however a very enlightening book.

    In my opinion, about 50% were laws to be used. They could have done with some amending, which you have done well with this post.

    The other 50% were more pointing things out to me. It started to make me think about certain people in my life. It had examples and offered ways to “counter” when someone is using unethical power strategies.

    I think if you’re rather naive, this book will make you grow up a bit. And realise that there are real power dynamics being played.

    But if you are naive, you might blindly follow what this book lays out. Which will frankly turn you into a bad person, which this post brilliantly addresses.

    Understand the game, then decide how you want to play it.

  22. JustWorld

    You obviously haven’t read the book. Most of the “rewritten laws” are blatantly ignoring what was stated in the book or just rewriting the original law in longer and “nicer” sounding way.

    > ✘ Law 8: Make other people come to you. Use bait if necessary.
    ✔ Law 8: Make other people come to you by always offering solutions to their problems. Then, delegate the work

    That is using bait still. You literally just added words to make it sound nicer. Offering a solution is still bait.

    You are falling victim to what is known as the “Just World Fallacy”

    The world isn’t just. If you want success you must act like your competitors do or you will be taken advantage of.

    • JD at Conquer Today

      I absolutely loved your response to this. Of course I have the read the book and multiple opinion articles. I’ve also read his work, “Seduction”.

      Yes, Law 8 still involves using bait. But I didn’t realize this until you pointed it out, so thank you. These rewritten laws are still there to help you gather power, and as we stated there is nothing wrong with that.

      But I have been baited through lies and promises versus someone who helped me succeed, and there is a very big difference in my mind.

      The world is not just by any means. Good and evil will always remain balanced like Yin and Yang. Many psychologists state that trying to seperate yourself into good and evil is unhealthy, and you should follow your survival instincts.

      But when there are people flying to Puerto Rico to help with hurricane relief, and other people shooting 50+ individuals through a Vegas hotel window, you must take a side. You must make a distinction between good and evil behavior.

      If you want success, you should define what that means to you. Perhaps it includes physical wealth, but if it does not include mental and spiritual wealth that person is foolish. Acting like your competition will just make you blend into a sea of others trying to step on each other like chickens in pecking order.

      There are still many commonalities between that behavior and humans, but I believe we have evolved to succeed through cooperation. Again, I am very thankful for your rebuttal, I hope the conversation can continue someday.

    • Sina

      I agree. Being realistic is more important that being an idealist

    • Nathaniel

      JustWorld… You couldn’t be more wrong! In fact you are totally wrong. The history of the world’s greatest, most powerful, and successful people is full, over full of people that do the exact opposite of supposed competitors .

      Just admit it you are a coward and so are others like you. It’s just easier to go along with the flow than to stand true against the supposed grain and be counted a leader.

      “The greatest want of the world is the want of men – men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.”

    • Flector

      I think the problem is in setting the scope for the term ‘power’, which could mean physical power, social influence or spiritual power, each of which may have further subdivision. spiritual power, for example, may refer to psychic powers or to the ability to withdraw from the senses or to control thoughts.
      Robert Greene tends to address formerly idealistic people who hoped to obtain all they wanted by playing or being nice… and were punished for it by the world. From that perspective, it seems refreshing to have an erudite good person call ‘bullshit’ from the sideline and offer astute observations, which would be deemed cynical by preachers of idealism.
      Many years ago, I read a book about methods of rapid career development, that was full of astute observation in the same vein. At the end of each chapter, though, it asked ‘but are you really sure that you want this?’ – In other words, it’s possible to obtain secular influence, dominantly with a certain type of intelligent maneuvering, which only some are willing to understand and implement consistently. But is it worth selling your soul for that, as it were? To a good degree this will depend on what you believe to be available beyond secular power.
      In other words, I don’t think Robert Greene would recommend ‘the 48 laws of power’ to someone seeking spiritual purification. What he might do, though, is call ‘bullshit’ on someone who wants to obtain spiritual purity and secular power by implementing a sanitized version of the 48 laws, because this book is, in a way, an answer to exactly such attempts.
      Secular power, seduction, war are inherently dirty and they dirty those pursuing them, if only because they love and pursue them. Sanitization attempts are crutches by weak competition to be recognized and exploited by those who want to make progress.
      To a lesser degree, sanitized versions have a role in managing power that is given without pursuit. However, as soon as recognition of the toxicity, addictiveness and fragility of power is sacrificed, it should be expected that spiritual debts, i.e. bad karma or simply ‘evil’, accumulates rapidly, independent of white washing. That such people feel treated ‘unjust’ when backlash occurs is, from the perspective of ‘the 48 laws’ just laughable.

    • Patrik

      Exactly !

      The only thing this pathetic review did is to change words to sound nicer to fit in this political correct hypocrite fake world where words mean more than deeds and actions.

      Basically the only thing author of this review or arcticle or whatever is named is he replaced words by choosing nicer one in 80% of rules.

      Your lack of logic and clarity to see main point of each law and to change them into same thing with different presentation by nicer words is hurtful and embarrasing.

      After all book does not exlude your moral compass as you call it

    • Bobby

      Lmao and what have you done with your life. What “power” do you have?

  23. James Keogh

    Wow, I’m glad I never read that book. With that said, I love the new interpretations of the laws. I practice many of them already, while learning many new ones. The content CNQR provides is awesome!!

  24. Nic Vermillion

    Definitely prefer the revised version. This is good to read before doing Compass Campaign. Helps with self reflection.

    • Mario martin Rivera

      Luke Kennedy martin jr thank you comment off Elwyn policy

  25. Q Z

    I thought the 48 laws of power book had a lot of accurate things to say about how to gain power in today’s world but the laws did not go along with my core values. I would never compromise on my core values.

    I don’t think getting power should be the ultimate goal for any of us. So while following the modified laws might not make you as powerful of a person, it will make you a more successful person. There’s a distinction between being able to manipulate others and being able to create change in the world in the direction which you prefer.

    • The Thames

      Well said

  26. stark pister

    Definitely an improvement on a lot of those “laws”. I appreciate the insights.

    • Bah voyons

      There is no “improvement” in revisionism.

  27. Krishna

    I have read the book and I also feel that it was very manipulative. And I argue about this with my friends. I always lose because I am unable to answer the question. Are the laws effective? For getting Power probably.

    So should this be the Strikeout New Title<48 laws to lead a fulfilled life?

  28. Aaron

    My mouth was wide open reading some of the original laws. That’s crazy how sharp and manipulated they were. Great perspective.

    • J

      Although Manipulative, the original was the key insight to power. I mean the laws above super unrealistic. If you follow these laws, you would barely get a taste of true power. Not only this, but they set you up to get stepped on by people who crave this power. Lets be honest, in the realm of power, manipulation is key, and these “new” laws do no good.

      I mean no hate to the author, I just want to point out that a moral compass is not what this book is about. If you require one, then by all means follow the rules of this website. If, however, you want to learn how to survive in a world of the powerful, and take it all for yourself, then disregard what you read. Either way, I wish you the best, and I really mean no hate!

    • Anonymous


    • Biose

      I support you.Remember he wrote these laws and trying to win over moralistic true sense, the original laws are practical and realistic

    • Hf

      Agreed. The original book is about harnessing power, not being a moral person. For morality lecture should look elsewhere.

  29. Patrick McWilliams

    Wow, this book was (far down) on my to-read list. Glad I read this post first. Great tips!

  30. Eric Ove

    This. This is why I keep coming back. I’ve been struggling with quitting smoking lately, and it’s taking all my mental faculties to stay on task, but this sort of statement is why I’m always happy to travel back here to CNQR. I really enjoy nearly 100% of these mantras. I think my favorite is 46. You can’t take life too seriously; You’ll never get out alive.

  31. Morgan Landry

    This is an interesting take on an old adage. I like the positive viewpoint and moral compass being added.


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