Stronger Mental Health for All.
More about the Helm online learning platform.

Our Philosophy and Approach
The Helm mental health learning platform is filled with fun lessons, easy challenges, helpful tools, and more. Our mission is to make mental health improvement adventurous and engaging.
Through constant research and development, we’ve created a specific philosophy that works for our team and our users. We treat mental fitness like physical fitness: there are rules, exercises, and measurements to help you make concrete improvements.
Our approach combines aspects of psychology, nutrition, habit building, symbolism, therapy exercises, and community.
A personal welcome, success story, and friendly push forward:
Jordan Arbuckle, Founder
“I’m glad to have you here. I’ve been working on various mental health projects for the last ten years, and I’ve had quite the mental health journey myself.
A lifetime of untreated issues came to a head in my twenties. I lost my job, my home, and my partner due to anxiety, depression, addiction, and more.
But I got back on my feet and spent years rebuilding. I developed new strategies, tools, and programs for myself. I got better. Today I’m in excellent health. I have a great career, home, and community. My life is filled with positive relationships, strong habits, and a lot of joy.
My #1 goal is to get you to a similar place. Please, use Helm to do so.“
Helm is an online platform with lessons and challenges that strengthen your mental health.
1. Unlock one new discovery per day.
You'll always find something fascinating about your health.
2. Answer the helpful writing prompts.
Leave a comment for help from Helm leaders or other users!
3. Succeed at a fun mini-challenge.
You'll make instant progress with a "quick win!"
4. Watch your metrics and skills fly.
See your progress before you feel it with our tracking system.
Our Giving Programs
Using, Helm uses a portion of profits to fund healthy community leaders in difficult-to-succeed areas. We recently supported Sally in Kenya, to purchase farm equipment for her growing operation. We also helped Prisca in Uganda purchase supplies for her pharmacy.