Strengthen your mental health in 30 days
with Helm’s FREE step-by-step online program.

Build your confidence and capabilities.
Reduce your anxiety and depression.
Take better care of yourself and others.
“This helped me get out of bed after a half a year of anxiety. I think everything is going to be alright.”
– Marci, Helm User
Helm is an online program with lessons and challenges that strengthen your mental health.
1. Discover new concepts and tools.
Unlock stories and lessons that engage and educate you.
2. Answer the helpful writing prompts.
Leave a comment for help from Helm leaders or other users!
3. Succeed at a fun mini-challenge.
You’ll make instant progress with a “quick win!”
4. Watch your health and skills improve.
See your progress before you feel it with our tracking system.
“I have made tremendous progress in trying to put my whole life together.”
– Chinua, Helm User
Complete a module per day or go at your own pace. Acquire dozens of mental health tools, including:

Change the way you talk to yourself with Reframing.

Make life easier and build a great routine with Efficiency.

Heal from your toughest memories with Inner Work.

Become a valuable community member with Contributing.

Transform your behaviors into strength with Archetypes.
“This has really been one of the most beneficial things I’ve ever implemented.”
– Shane, Helm User
A personal welcome and friendly push:
Jordan [JD] Arbuckle, Founder
“I’m glad to have you here. I’ve been working on various mental health projects for the last ten years, and I’ve had quite the mental health journey myself.
A lifetime of untreated issues came to a head in my twenties. I lost my job, my home, and my partner due to anxiety, depression, addiction, and more.
But I got back on my feet and spent years rebuilding. I developed new strategies, tools, and programs for myself. I got better.
Today I’m in excellent health. I have a great career, home, and community. My life is filled with positive relationships, strong habits, and a lot of joy.
My #1 goal is to get you to a similar place. Please, use Helm to do so.“

“This positive energy got me off my a**, and I passed my first year of University.”
– Martin, Helm User
Get free access to Helm and unlock:
All Helm modules (called Issues).
Stories, lessons, and tutorials in every Issue.
All challenges and habits.
Collect and complete challenges to make fast progress.
Trackable health metrics.
Watch your metrics improve as you learn new skills.

“It’s so peaceful to not have all that stress and anxiety on my shoulders.”
– Tina, Helm User
Take the Helm for free.
“It’s time for you to take the helm of your health. I’m looking forward to working with you. Let’s roll.”
– Jordan [JD]