It’s 7:30 AM. You have to be at work in 30 minutes, and you’re running around with your hair on fire. Your clothes aren’t ironed, you don’t have time for a lunch break today, and you know you should really hit the gym tonight. You haven’t even packed for your weekend trip, and the worst news of all: you have to renew your license at the DMV before you head out of town.
Can you feel your stress levels explode just by reading this, and does it hit a little too close to home? If you’re sick of feeling like you’re always behind, overwhelmed, and unorganized, we’d like to introduce you to kit living.
Combining strategies from minimalism, military efficiency, and camping, you can build a variety of “kits” for each area of your life. A kit is stored in a backpack, duffel, purse, plastic tub, or whatever container works best for you. Inside are all the items you need to “grab-n-go” based on whatever you might be doing that day. The most important part of any kit is that it stays packed and constantly replenished! And at the end of each day, they go back where you found them.
There are plenty of benefits to kit living. First and foremost, your efficiency and productivity should skyrocket. It’s not just about the time you save from having to constantly pack and reorganize; you also free up a ton of brain space when you no longer have to go through these imaginary checklists as you get ready for your next task. It can also become easier to complete those healthier habits that always get pushed aside, like exercise, reading, and even having a little fun.
There are a few things almost all of us have to do, like eat, work, and groom ourselves. Many people enjoy exercise, travel, and weekend warrior activities. We know all of you on Conquer Today are about personal growth and freedom too!
Start outlining the most common activities in your life, and which of them could benefit from a kit. Here’s our loadout below that should give you an excellent place to start.
Ever spilled coffee on your shirt before a meeting, or needed to sleep off a few too many drinks at a friend’s house? A go kit ensures you’ll never be caught out in the cold. This could be as large as a duffel with plenty of items in your trunk, or as small as a gallon ziplock you keep in your work bag. Your go kit may contain:
A) A replacement outfit (professional or relaxed)
B) A travel-sized toiletries kit
C) Extra cash for emergencies
D) Common tools like tape, a lighter, or a pocket-knife
E) A battery pack for phone charging
No matter what your occupation, you probably already have a work bag. From a tool chest to a briefcase, this kit is something you grab almost every day! Besides whatever items you need to complete your work, your work kit may also contain:
A) A daily planner or notebook
B) An extra battery pack for phone charging
C) A book you’re reading for down times
D) Extra supplies like paper clips or a ruler
Fuel your body like a Ferrari, and it will perform like one. Proper nutrition is 80% of the battle towards peak health, and can often be the most difficult to maintain. When you keep a food kit, you’ll be less tempted to call Jimmy Johns three times a week without ever leaving your desk. It’s ok, we’ve been there. Let’s all strive to do better together, and build a food kit that may contain:
A) Your pre-made meals for the day
B) Two or three healthy snacks for in-between meals
C) A large water bottle to keep full constantly
D) A little salt and pepper or hot sauce
E) An emergency meal replacement bar
We’ve written extensively on this before, and it’s been a great kit to keep around as much as possible. Make this one small, so it can fit inside your work bag or something similar. We all have hobbies and habits we want to keep: read more, meditate, learn a language, or just de-stress. You’d be shocked at how much five-to-ten minute downtime you may actually have during a day. Instead of going straight to the unfulfilling social media scroll, break out your growth kit instead. This may contain:
A) A fiction and non-fiction book you’re reading
B) A daily journal
C) A workbook based on a new skill you’re learning
D) Small, fun hobbies like knitting or drawing
E) Relaxing items like essential oils or a massage ball
F) Simple stretching or strength plans
In fact, we have a Conquer Today Ten-Minute “Maintenance Routine” you can download right now for free! This flexibility plan is perfect for mornings, lunch breaks, bus stops, or more. You’ll feel much better and more energized, and you can combat that locked up feeling we all have from sitting in desk chairs and carseats all day! Give your body the simple movement it needs to stay healthy and happy.
+ Fight lower back pain
+ Correct your posture
+ Improve your breathing
This is an interesting one. No matter what your age, you need to play. It becomes all too easy to use up our weekend time in front of the TV, and fall asleep on Sunday wishing we had done almost anything else. The excuse is usually that we’re too tired, or it’s too much effort to plan anything. Build a play kit for you, your friends, or your kids! When you’re sitting at your friend’s house wondering what you could possibly do, look no further than your play kit. Fill it with activities such as:
A) Board or card games
B) Soccer balls or frisbees
C) Emergency snacks
D) A bluetooth speaker
E) Beach towels
F) An athletic and replacement outfit
G) Fishing gear
There are so many types of physical training that can keep you healthy! The only unacceptable option is doing nothing. Keeping a kit like this packed is the best way to make staying healthy as easy as possible. Your training bag will usually be a duffel, and may contain:
A) Gym shoes or cleats
B) One or two changes of athletic clothes
C) A binder with workout programs
D) A blender bottle and Tupperware for supplements
E) An extra pair of headphones to avoid that terrible moment
F) Extra cash for gym fees or an energy bar
G) An outfit if you shower after workouts
E) Training bands, weights, or sports equipment
You should already have a travel size toiletries bag in your go kit, but it can also be extremely helpful to purchase a container where you can easily throw in all of your daily grooming items. Some of the more minimalistic people here may even choose to keep this kit packed on the bathroom shelf! Your groom kit may contain:
A) Toothbrush and toothpaste
B) Deodorant (please)
C) Shower gel and a loofah in a ziplock
D) Cosmetics
E) Shaving material
F) Medications
This kit may not be fully packed, but keeping it available as a starting template makes vacations so much easier. This is usually a suitcase, but perhaps you travel a little lighter. Inside, you could keep:
A) Another groom kit
B) Your passport or safety information
C) Travel cases for electronics
D) Travel-specific clothing (obnoxious Hawaiian shirts)
E) Extra sunglasses
Listen, we don’t think the apocalypse is happening any time soon. But we have run out of gas before, and if you’re in a cold area, that can become a serious situation very quickly. Build an emergency kit that contains survival items and tools to make sure you can keep yourself and your family safe. Keep this kit in your car and fill it with:
A) Two-three water bottles
B) Food and meal replacement bars
C) Flashlight
D) Lighters and matches in seperate ziplock
E) Large knife
F) Emergency blanket
G) Rope or paracord
H) An extra pre-paid cell phone
So, let’s go through our nightmare of a morning again. It’s 7:30, and you have to be at work in a half hour. You ironed your clothes last night, because you had plenty of time after you put your kits back right as you walked in the door.
You have a healthy lunch packed, so you can work at your desk and still eat well. Your fitness kit is in your car so you can head straight to the gym after the office. All you need to do is throw in a few pairs of clothes into your vacation kit, and the DMV trip is going to be a relaxing time to catch up on your reading as you wait for an hour. Sounds much better, doesn’t it?
We will say it one more time; the power of kit living comes from constantly replenishing and keeping them packed! Have a certain area in your home for each kit, and lay out the ones you need the night before. Then, enjoy your new life filled with more health, adventure, productivity, and happiness. Stay efficient, stay free.
Remember to download the Conquer Today Ten-Minute Maintenance Routine and keep it in your work, growth, or training kit! This stretching program won’t make you sweat so you can take care of it anywhere you want. It will help you avoid lower back pain, tight shoulders, and much more.
Leave a comment: What kind of awesome kits are you going to create?
+ Fight lower back pain
+ Correct your posture
+ Improve your breathing
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Thanks for the ideas on what to include. I have always had my “to-go” bag that is one kit for all these areas, but realise it could use some reconfiguring.