Articles, tutorials, and activities.
Our Top 10 Responses to People on Reddit Desperately Seeking Mental Health Help
When you grew up in a tribal environment, you had initiation ceremonies and medicine men to transform yourself psychologically.
Three Techniques Stolen From Gaming to Make Hard Work Fun
Time to power up. To make hard fun, avoid the stress trap, and maximize your time on this amazing planet, try these 3 techniques!
5 Brain Training Apps Actually Fun Enough to Stick With
Nothing gets you more fired up than brain training, right? Not. Here are five brain training apps to make increasing your focus and intelligence as painless as possible.
Three Simple Psychological Steps to Forgive and Forget
A study recently discovered it really is easier for a human brain to forget negative memories after forgiving. Time for some spring cleaning with this “forgive and forget” process.
How to Reach Enlightenment with This Little Book (It’s Not What You Think)
Life is strange. If you have the feeling of worry in your stomach that won’t go away and you don’t know why, this awesome little book might give you guidance.
10 Scientifically Backed Reasons to Meditate (Proven Results)
Daily meditation will unlock amazing benefits to fight disease, increase intelligence, minimize stress, improve relationships, maximize emotional IQ, and spark powerful self-insights.
Autopilot Habit Hacking to Effortlessly Improve Willpower
Habits are difficult to make and keep. But there’s a reason you brush your teeth every single day. What if it was that simple with all of those progressive habits we try to make?
Five Reasons Why You Need to Cultivate Higher Awareness Levels
This is a story about a man. He works in a lighthouse. Each day, he has to wake up and do his job. But what’s the very first thing he does? He makes sure the light is still on.
Four Types of Wealth Successful People Build That’s Not Money
To discover if someone is wealthy, we usually look on paper. What is the number on the bank account statement? However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
5 Strategies for Peak Performance I Learned from Tracking My Entire Life
I’m sick of the posts that make promises of “happiness and success” and then tell you to eat right, exercise, and drink water. Well, duh. How much exercise? Eat what?
Five Hardcore Micro-Habits to Drastically Reduce Stress
“He’s caught a bad case of stress. There’s nothing we can do.” You don’t hear that often. Here’s how to regulate your chemicals with micro-habits for a stress free day.
3 Steps to Finding Your Life Purpose in A Different, Simpler Way
Purpose is a loaded word. So here are 3 different, simpler steps to finding your life purpose. Be prepared to confront some hard truths you may never think about.
Happiness is Hard Work, and It Comes From Managing These Pillars
You cannot find happiness like an item on the menu. It isn’t a step-by-step process. Instead, it’s the constant reward of finely crafting your entire life.
Stop Motivating Yourself and Start Measuring Yourself
This is your life. Stop trying what worked for other people, and start tracking what is working for you. Here is how to quit the “motivating yourself” drug.
How to Organize, Improve, and Dominate Life with Google Drive
We’re about to show you step-by-step instructions on how to set up a customizable life-organization system, and leave links to templates I we’ve already created.